LLC “Automation Technology and Programming”
was founded on June 15, 2005.
LLC “ATP” is a modern scientific and technical enterprise specializing in the development of radio electronic equipment and microelectronics for various purposes.
The considerable experience accumulated in “ATP” LLC in the development of radio electronic devices and telecommunications means allows consumers to flexibly solve a wide variety of tasks with high quality. Leading specialists of LLC “ATP” have academic degrees and titles and many years of experience in this field. During the work the enterprise along with active scientific and technical activities have significantly strengthened their production and experimental base.
The main areas of scientific and production activities of LLC “ATP” are:
– Development and manufacture of receiving and transmitting devices in the range from 1 MHz to 40 GHz;
– Development of special software;
– Development and production of antenna devices and complexes;
– Development and production of radio electronic devices.
Sincerely, director of LLC “ATP”, Agafonnikov Dmitry Anatolyevich.